Pennsylvania Cottage Food Laws: Everything You Need To Know In 2023

PENNSYLVANIA Cottage Food Law Product Label Zazzle Product label
PENNSYLVANIA Cottage Food Law Product Label Zazzle Product label from


Starting a home-based food business can be an excellent way to turn your passion for cooking into a profitable enterprise. In Pennsylvania, cottage food laws have been introduced to regulate such businesses. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Pennsylvania's cottage food laws in 2023.

What Are Cottage Food Laws?

Cottage food laws are regulations that govern the production and sale of homemade food products. These laws vary from state to state and are designed to ensure that food products sold to the public are safe for consumption.

Pennsylvania's Cottage Food Laws

In Pennsylvania, cottage food laws were introduced in 2010. These laws allow individuals to sell certain types of homemade food products without requiring a license from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. However, there are restrictions on the types of foods that can be sold.

Types of Foods Allowed Under Pennsylvania's Cottage Food Laws

Under Pennsylvania's cottage food laws, individuals can sell non-potentially hazardous foods, such as baked goods, candy, and dry mixes. These foods are considered safe for consumption and do not require refrigeration to maintain their safety.

Restrictions on Cottage Food Sales

There are restrictions on the sale of cottage foods in Pennsylvania. These restrictions include: - Cottage food products must be sold directly to the consumer. - Products cannot be sold online or through mail order. - Cottage food products cannot be sold in retail facilities or grocery stores. - Cottage food products must be properly labeled with specific information, including the name of the product, the ingredients, and the allergens.

Benefits of Pennsylvania's Cottage Food Laws

Pennsylvania's cottage food laws offer several benefits to home-based food businesses. These benefits include: - The ability to start a home-based food business without the need for a license. - The ability to test the waters and see if a home-based food business is viable without investing a lot of money. - The ability to sell homemade food products that are not available in stores.

How to Comply with Pennsylvania's Cottage Food Laws

To comply with Pennsylvania's cottage food laws, home-based food businesses must follow several guidelines. These guidelines include: - Obtaining a food handler's permit. - Registering with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. - Complying with labeling requirements. - Only selling approved cottage food products.


In conclusion, Pennsylvania's cottage food laws offer an excellent opportunity for individuals to start a home-based food business. However, it is essential to understand the restrictions and guidelines associated with these laws to ensure compliance. By following these guidelines, individuals can create a successful home-based food business that offers unique and delicious homemade food products.

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